The Art of Detachment Without Cutting Cords
We are all Divine beings. Some of us are further along in our ascension, but Divine none the less. We do not actually have the ability to cut an Etheric cord. It is simply an illusion that will put you in a state of denial, and in doing so, creating tears in the energy fields around you. By that effect creating pathways for the same energetic frequencies to flow in and lead to the repeat patterns we often experience when we are in the state of denial. So when you hear “It’s time to detach from a situation, person or even an old belief system”, is there an image of an energetic sword swooping in to sever the cord?
It is not the cord that is cut, it is the weight of the attachment that is untethered. Then we may begin to clear the etheric cord. By releasing the emotional and mental attachment to the events, people, places, things we are keeping the energy fields intact and keeping you in an awakened state, by which , you are creating new pathways toward ascension.
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