
Is trust something that can be broken by someone other than ourselves, or is trust broken by us not listening to our own knowing? 


 I know it to be the majority of the ladder, however, there are those with energies that make it difficult to see the difference. They are what I call baseliners. Baseliners are those that are in place to offer us lessons.  They are the pattern setters. The gifters of opportunities.

This is a new awareness I have been observing from a higher perspective. My reflection on past relationships, whether intimate, business, familia or casual, has opened to the great possibility that I indeed broke my trust by staying in places that I had outgrown and was unable, or so I thought, or unwilling to separate from. When we listen carefully and feel intently the way will be shown. Energies get sticky and appear with less clarity when we doubt, and fear overrides the information being delivered for us.  What are your thoughts? How does this feel in your own observations and reflections of past, present and future relationships? Take a moment , or two, to really breathe through it. This is a tool to re-empower you in your own Divine connection. 


The Art of Detachment Without Cutting Cords
