What is it about self-"anything" that has us in such conflict?

 Self-love, Self-care, Self-Worth, especially our self-worth, all, somehow, equate to selfishness, self-centeredness, self-absorbedness.

They are all actually the same thing! 

What creates the negative connotation is how we perceive it, and our individual experiences and judgement.

If your mind drifts into all the things that are wrong with being self "anything" take a deep breath and ask yourself why? 

What about taking care of self has you in a state of denying your own Souls' needs?

Now, I'm not saying that we are to be neglectful, disrespectful, or without compassion for others.

I am saying that we begin with self with a deeper understanding of attention, respect, and compassion. It's not a situation where you have to be one OR the other. They can coexist in harmony when practiced.

Knowing your own Souls' worth is an inherent right of passage through this lifetime. Depending on where one is on their healing journey will , of course, determine how we interpret that. 

To begin, is to trust that you are enough as you are. You are already whole and complete.

Caring for self does not detract from caring for others, in fact it amplifies what you would have offered if you had not taken the time for self care. 

It puts you in a very strong position to support without taking on responsibility that is not yours. Protect your energy.

How will you honor yourself today?  

Life-practice: Perhaps start by saying, "no that doesn't work for me at that time, how about this time (insert time)?" 

Today offer yourself an affirmation that expresses your deep love for yourself.  

For example, "I am worthy of all the good that comes to me today and everyday."

 “ I am a whole Being I am complete I am one with Divinity”

Do you know what it is to be whole?



